カート/Cart マイページ/Account ご利用案内/How to Order お問い合せ お客様の声 サイトマップ
  10,800円以上のご購入で送料無料 送料、支払方法等のご案内は最下段にございます
English Input Page Available
After choosing items, proceed to the cart page where you can swtich to English

Please Read Before You Shop

There are two way of shopping

1) Select the items and switch to English in the cart page.
   The button to switch to English input page is located at the right corner above only in the cart page.
   In this method, you can make a payment only with the credit card.

2) Stay in the local page (Japanese page with some English explanation in blue). 
   You can choose the bank or post office transfer, the convenience store payment besides the credit card payment.
   Several important input fields for completing your order are only available in Japanese.
   For those unable to complete the form due to language, we are available to help you complete it over the telephone.
   Please call 03-6452-2305 between the hours of 10:30 and 19:00. 

   You can also order via fax (the same number as above). 

We apologize for any inconvenience caused.
